Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Tormentor

Where is my soul, my faith, my reason?
What happened to my bright dream?
I gave it all to you for the promise of uncharted love and adventure.
In return you became bored and threw it all away with broken drumsticks.
You grow and I cling, vicariously needing your hope.
My need equaled only by your resentment.
Haven thrown out all purpose and sanity, I am left a hollow shell, my guts lined with infection, I ache and crave the relief of your touch.
Survival now is my goal, staying alive my only identity.
I lay on the shelf beside magazines, records, drumsticks, hoping to be the possession you reach for.
Your aspirations become my obsession.
Your attention the only nutrition for my starvation.

The stillness of night surrounds me and quiets the throbbing of rotting emptiness
Darkness distorts vision and relieves my eyes, swollen and red from eternal hysteriical tears.
I struggle to remain awake never to give in to the lull of sleep.

There I again find my dreams, wrinkled and torn like wadded up tissues, I open them and again become my own.
I am fearful of the peace of this slumbre for I know that it only lives in darkness and the sun will rise again only to blast away my clouds of contentment,
memory of a dream that was
Again the light will burn my eyes with reality and pierce my wounds with the familiar pain of your indifference.
Again I will seek the safety of your arms only to find the pain of your violent mood.
Again I will find myself despicable and fight to regain your gaze.

written to RS in 1975

Drummer Boy Valentine

You sit looking at strange symbols, a language of its own,
a world I cannot enter.
I watch as you concentrate, forever trying to hold back desire.
We sit only a few feet apart yet I am invisable for your thoughts are dancing to paradiddles and there is no space for the girl sitting in the same room.
The silence is broken only by the consistency of your metronome as it ticks in syncronicity with the beat of my heart
Once again I am amazed by your intensity, and the aesthetic of your rhythmn rushes with the pulsing of my blood.
The beauty of your strife for perfection enforces my belief in your ambition
but I know that I am alone and I wait for the abandonment that surely will come with your success.
I know that I am alone with only the beating of my own heart.
Oh Drummer boy, let me travel with you as you soar to your dreams, for my love longs for your embrace.

written in 1974  to RS


There is a man in my life and although he is not large in stature, he is a giant to me.
When I was unsure of him, he gave me time.
When I was confused, he smiled with understanding.
When I was rebellious, he gave me room to grow
When I called out for help, his willing hand remained close by.
When I was burdened, he took responsibility
When I was doubted, he gave me trust
When I falied at my endeavors, he believed in me still
When I was afraid , he held my hand
When I lonely and sick, he sat with me
When I needed it most, he gave me his love.

Ther is a man in my life and though our blood is not the same,
He is a Father to me.

Daddy ( Things I Meant to Say)

Things I Meant to Say 

Caught between dirty laundry and work schedules,
a tightness grabs my throat 
When the day lasts too long or the night too black
silent fear creeps in dreams
Three weeks turns to six months and then 30 years.
A stranger with a one-sided smile walks by 
a flash of dread -goosebumps
Photos of happy picnics or easy tubing down a river,
Did we actually  laugh?
Tastes of speckled perch, frog legs  and hush puppies 
Did it really taste so good?
Gulf Coast sunsets and my small hand reaches for your calluses
Did I reach or was it just to comfort your guilt.
A dewy dawn in a boat on a still fishcamp morning 
Daybreak, you and I alone on a lake without a shore .
Hot sticky air and sentenced worms in a box.  
The picnics, gone and no fishing mornings come searching to
change diapers or hang out the clothes.

I am content. 

Once I was a 12 year old girl,balancing hope and terror
No welcome mat.
Now I am an adult caught in the rituals of days
I avoid drifting in unfettered boats or PB&J on blankets
but my childhood festers, questioning
Were you ever even there ?